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a woman performing nadi Shodhana

How to Do Alternate-Nostril Breathing

By Courtney Helgoe

Learn how to do Nadi Shodhana, a traditional breathing technique that has been practiced for centuries.

illio arrows in a bullseye

How to Manage a Trigger Response

By Jane McCampbell Stuart, MA, LMFT, CPCC, RMFT

You don’t have to be hijacked by strong reactions. Learn how to manage them — and how to recover your cool when you’ve already lost it.

two people sit on a bench overlooking the ocean

What Is Social Rest?

By Jessie Sholl

Do you feel alone or worn down by certain people? Discover the signs that you need more social rest and with whom to find it.

a woman stands drinking a cup of coffee while looking out the window

What Is Sensory Rest?

By Jessie Sholl

From strong smells, artificial light, and loud work environments, our senses can become overwhelmed. Here are strategies to give your senses a much-needed break.

a woman sits on the ground looking at her painting

What Is Creative Rest?

By Jessie Sholl

Learn why taking a deliberate break from creative work may allow your creativity to regenerate.

a man sits in a meditation pose

What is Spiritual Rest?

By Jessie Sholl

Discover the signs that you may need more spiritual rest and opportunities to find it.

a person stands on a doc framed by a tree with the sun shining through

What Is Emotional Rest?

By Jessie Sholl

Are you feeling emotionally exhausted? Discover the signs that you need more emotional rest as well as simple practices to help you recover.

a woman rests on a larger boulder

The 7 Types of Rest

By Jessie Sholl

If you’re feeling run-down, you might be deficient in one of the seven types of rest. Learn how you can recharge your physical, mental, emotional, creative, social, sensory, and spiritual self.

a woman standing outside looking into the distance

What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

By Alexandra Smith, MA, LPCC

The gold standard in psychotherapy, CBT can help with a range of mental disorders, including anxiety, obsessive–compulsive disorder, depression, addiction, insomnia, and PTSD.

Dynamic Stretch specialist helping a person stretch their neck

5 Stretches to Promote Recovery and Stress Relief

By Chris Alfaro, CPT

A stretch specialist demonstrates a few moves that can relieve muscle tension and counter stress.

flower in pavement and headshot of David

How to Thrive With Anxiety

With David H. Rosmarin, PhD
Season 7, Episode 19

Anxiety has been on the rise for the past several years — and it’s something that can range from feeling uncomfortable to debilitating for those who experience it. David H. Rosmarin, PhD, helps us understand why anxiety is a normal bodily response and how we can change our relationship with it to turn it into something that can actually help us thrive in our lives.

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man with eyes closed

All Is Calm: 5 Ways to Incorporate Feel-Good Moments into Busy Days

By Callie Fredrickson

Quick ideas for resetting during the holiday season.

a woman breaths deeply to calm herself

What to Do When a Panic Attack Occurs

By Alexandra Smith, MA, LPCC

Try these seven strategies to help you manage and alleviate a panic attack.

Upset and tired teenager sitting on the floor keeps hand to cheek looking thoughtfully and hopeless with an illustration of chaos emanating from his head.

Why Anxiety Is Not Your Enemy

By David H. Rosmarin, PhD

A case study in how to live — and thrive — with anxiety.

person laughing and Barbara photo

How Do I Rest — Really? Understanding the 7 Types of Rest

With Barbara Powell, MA, NBC-HWC
Season 7, Episode 13

Rest is essential to our health and wellness, yet it often gets pushed to the side in favor of other things that require our time and attention. Importantly, it’s not just physical rest we need: There are six other types that contribute to our overall well-being.

In this episode, Barbara Powell, MA, NBC-HWC, joins us to first explain the signs and symptoms of under-rest to watch for. She then delves into the seven versions of rest we need, and for each, the micro, macro, and habitual ways we can get more rest so we can perform better and live life more fully.

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someone with their head in their hands and Henry Emmons headshot

Workplace Burnout Is Real: Signs, Symptoms & How to Take Action

With Henry Emmons, MD
Season 7, Episode 11

Professional burnout rates are at an all-time high across many industries — and our always-on culture certainly contributes to the rising issue. Henry Emmons, MD, joins us to talk about how to recognize if you’re experiencing burnout, what causes it to occur, and the short- and long-term solutions you can try for relief.

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a person holds their chest during a panic attack

Understanding Panic Attacks

By Alexandra Smith, MA, LPCC

Learn more about what panic attacks actually are — and what to do if you have one.

Author Ashley Neese next to an image of her new book

What Is Trauma-Informed Rest?

By Ashley Neese

In her new book, Permission to Rest, Ashley Neese talks about why rest is a radical — and necessary — practice, as well as how those of us with trauma might approach rest differently.

A woman resting on a lounge chair on the pool deck at Life Time.

10 Ideas for an End-of-Summer Self-Care Day

By Emily Ewen

Close out the season on a relaxing note with these refreshing practices.

hands grip a steering wheel

10 Strategies to Overcome Driving Anxiety

By Jon Spayde

Worried about getting behind the wheel? Here’s expert advice on how to manage your fears by adjusting your expectations, your route, and your environment.

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